Hybrid, virtual and remote teams require new techniques and team building activities to foster trust. Here are 7 behaviors to try with your team, and specific s
September 17, 2024

7 Behaviors That Build Trust in Virtual Teams and Hybrid Teams: Essential Strategies for Effective Collaboration

Hybrid, virtual and remote teams require new techniques and team building activities to foster trust. Here are 7 behaviors to try with your team, and specific s

Hybrid, virtual and remote teams require new techniques and team building activities to foster trust. Here are 7 behaviors to try with your team, and specific strategies you can use to do so.


Building trust in virtual and hybrid teams is essential for success. Key behaviors include consistent communication, active listening, setting clear expectations, and fostering a supportive environment. Additionally, transparency, accountability, and celebrating team achievements contribute to a strong foundation of trust. Incorporating these behaviors enhances team cohesion, collaboration, and overall performance.

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In today's increasingly remote work environment, building trust within virtual and hybrid teams is essential for maintaining productivity and fostering collaboration. Trust is the glue that holds virtual and hybrid teams together, fostering a sense of security and camaraderie among team members, regardless of their physical location. In remote settings, trust is crucial to overcoming communication barriers, bridging cultural differences, and navigating time zone challenges.

Trust plays a crucial role in improving team performance, morale, and overall job satisfaction. High levels of trust lead to increased employee engagement, higher job satisfaction, and lower turnover rates. Trust also enables teams to collaborate more effectively, make better decisions, and achieve greater innovation.

To help your team thrive in this new landscape, we've compiled a list of 7 behaviors that can build trust in both virtual and hybrid teams. By implementing these strategies, you can create an atmosphere of open communication, accountability, and support.

Behavior 1: Consistent Communication

Consistent communication is the lifeblood of any virtual or hybrid team, as it ensures that all team members remain informed, engaged, and connected. Implementing specific techniques to maintain regular communication will not only enhance team collaboration but also help build trust among team members. Here are some practical strategies to foster consistent communication in your virtual or hybrid team:

  1. Establish a communication framework: Develop a clear communication framework that outlines the preferred channels for different types of communication, such as video calls for meetings, chat platforms for quick updates, and email threads for more formal announcements. This framework will help prevent confusion and ensure that everyone is on the same page.

    TeamDynamics is designed to quantify and codify your team's core behaviors, starting with an analysis of
    how your team communicates information. This helps you create a communication framework that is grounded in your team's ways of working.
  2. Schedule regular meetings: Holding regular team meetings, such as weekly or bi-weekly check-ins, provides an opportunity for team members to share updates, discuss challenges, and align on priorities. Make sure to accommodate different time zones and use video conferencing tools to enhance interpersonal connections.
  3. Encourage daily stand-ups: Implement daily stand-up meetings, where each team member briefly shares their progress, plans for the day, and any roadblocks they are facing. This practice keeps everyone informed and enables team members to offer support or collaborate on solutions.
  4. Create a virtual water cooler: Set up a dedicated chat room or channel for non-work-related discussions and social interactions. This virtual "water cooler" can foster a sense of camaraderie and community, helping team members feel more connected and engaged.
  5. Leverage collaboration tools: Utilize collaboration tools such as project management software, shared calendars, and document collaboration platforms to streamline communication and keep everyone in the loop regarding project statuses, deadlines, and upcoming events.
  6. Implement a buddy system: Pair team members for a week or a month, encouraging them to have regular one-on-one conversations. This practice can promote cross-functional collaboration and help team members build stronger connections with their colleagues.
  7. Encourage feedback and open dialogue: Foster a culture where team members feel comfortable sharing their ideas, opinions, and concerns. Regularly solicit feedback through surveys, virtual suggestion boxes, or dedicated feedback channels, and demonstrate that you value and act upon their input.

By incorporating these specific techniques into your virtual or hybrid team's daily operations, you can foster consistent communication, enhance team collaboration, and ultimately build a more trusting and productive work environment.

Behavior 2: Emphasize Accountability

Accountability is a crucial factor in building trust and ensuring the success of virtual and hybrid teams. When team members take responsibility for their tasks and deliverables, it promotes a sense of ownership and commitment, leading to higher productivity and a stronger sense of trust. Here are some practical strategies to emphasize accountability in your virtual or hybrid team:

  1. Set clear expectations and goals: Begin by establishing clear expectations and goals for team members, outlining individual responsibilities, deadlines, and performance metrics. This clarity helps everyone understand their role in the team's success and allows them to focus on their specific tasks.

    TeamDynamics defines the ways your team
    collaborates and communicates to get work done, equipping you with the data and language needed to set clear expectations for the team about everything from how you make decisions to how you execute projects.
  2. Use project management tools: Implement project management software to track tasks, deadlines, and progress in real-time. These tools enable team members to visualize their workload, manage their time effectively, and stay accountable for their assignments.
  3. Regular progress check-ins: Schedule regular progress check-ins, where team members can discuss their accomplishments, challenges, and plans for the upcoming week. These check-ins create an opportunity for team members to report on their progress and seek support or guidance when needed.
  4. Foster a culture of ownership: Encourage team members to take ownership of their tasks and be proactive in problem-solving. Emphasize the importance of learning from mistakes and seeking continuous improvement, rather than assigning blame or focusing on setbacks.
  5. Acknowledge and celebrate achievements: Recognize and celebrate individual and team accomplishments, whether big or small. This practice not only boosts morale but also reinforces the importance of accountability in achieving success.
  6. Provide constructive feedback: Offer timely and constructive feedback to help team members grow and improve. Ensure that your feedback is specific, actionable, and focuses on the task or behavior, rather than on the individual.
  7. Implement accountability partners: Pair team members as accountability partners, who regularly check in with each other to discuss progress, challenges, and goals. This peer support system can motivate team members to stay on track and hold each other accountable for their responsibilities.

By adopting these specific techniques to emphasize accountability in your virtual or hybrid team, you can foster a culture of responsibility, trust, and high performance. When team members understand the importance of accountability and feel supported in their efforts, they are more likely to deliver their best work and contribute to the team's overall success.


Behavior 3: Promote Transparency

Transparency is a critical component of trust and collaboration in virtual and hybrid teams. By fostering an open and transparent work environment, you can encourage better decision-making, enhance teamwork, and create a more engaged and productive team. Here are some practical strategies to promote transparency in your virtual or hybrid team:

  1. Open communication channels: Encourage open communication by providing various channels for team members to share their thoughts, ideas, and concerns. Use video calls for meetings, chat platforms for quick updates, and email threads for more in-depth discussions.
  2. Share decision-making processes: When making decisions that impact the team, involve team members in the process and share the reasoning behind the final decision. This practice promotes a sense of ownership and buy-in from team members, making them feel valued and respected.

    TeamDynamics quantifies
    how your team makes decisions, providing your team with guidelines for how they can best work together to come to conclusions and accelerate towards impact.
  3. Regularly share updates: Keep team members informed about project progress, upcoming deadlines, and organizational changes by sharing regular updates. This practice helps ensure everyone is on the same page and reduces the chances of miscommunication or confusion.
  4. Encourage questions and feedback: Create a culture where team members feel comfortable asking questions, providing feedback, and voicing their opinions. Encourage open dialogue during meetings, and use anonymous feedback channels or surveys to gather insights and suggestions from team members. Consider team building trivia questions that allow for open, transparent discussion of the team's dynamics.
  5. Maintain a central repository of information: Create a shared online space where team members can easily access relevant documents, project updates, and other essential information. This central repository can help minimize confusion and ensure that everyone has the information they need to perform their tasks effectively.
  6. Virtual town hall meetings: Host regular virtual town hall meetings, where team members can gather for company-wide updates, ask questions, and share their thoughts. These meetings can foster a sense of community and transparency across the entire organization.
  7. Practice vulnerability: Encourage team members and leaders to be open and honest about their challenges, successes, and areas for improvement. This vulnerability can help build trust and create a supportive environment where team members feel comfortable sharing their experiences. Consider unusual team building activities that challenge all team members to get outside of their comfort zones.

By implementing these specific techniques to promote transparency in your virtual or hybrid team, you can create a culture of openness and trust, leading to better collaboration, improved decision-making, and increased team engagement. Transparent work environments empower team members to take ownership of their work and contribute effectively to the team's overall success.

Behavior 4: Foster inclusivity

Inclusivity plays a vital role in building trust and creating a positive work environment in virtual and hybrid teams. By valuing diverse perspectives and ensuring all team members feel a sense of belonging, you can harness the full potential of your team and drive innovation. Here are some practical strategies to foster inclusivity in your virtual or hybrid team:

  1. Promote a culture of respect: Encourage team members to treat one another with respect, regardless of their background, role, or location. Establish clear expectations for professional behavior and communication, and address any instances of disrespect or bias promptly.
  2. Provide equal opportunities for participation: Ensure that all team members have an equal chance to contribute to discussions, share their ideas, and take on leadership roles. Make an effort to solicit input from remote team members during meetings and assign tasks fairly across the team.
  3. Accommodate time zones and cultural differences: When scheduling meetings or setting deadlines, consider the time zones and cultural differences of your team members. Offer meeting recordings or written summaries for those who cannot attend in-person, and provide flexibility in work hours to accommodate various time zones and personal commitments. Look to do hybrid team building activities that allow for the engagement of all team members, regardless of location or culture.
  4. Offer ongoing diversity and inclusion training: Provide team members with regular training on diversity, equity, and inclusion topics to increase awareness and understanding of different perspectives. These sessions can help team members become more empathetic and effective in working with colleagues from diverse backgrounds.
  5. Establish mentorship and buddy programs: Pair team members with diverse backgrounds and experiences, encouraging them to share their knowledge and learn from one another. This practice can help build stronger relationships among team members and foster a more inclusive and supportive work environment.
  6. Create inclusive team-building activities: Organize trust team-building activities that appeal to a wide range of interests and abilities, ensuring all team members feel included and engaged. Offer a mix of virtual and in-person events to accommodate remote and on-site employees, and encourage participation from everyone.
  7. Encourage open dialogue: Foster an environment where team members feel comfortable sharing their experiences, concerns, and ideas related to inclusivity. Regularly solicit feedback on how to make the team more inclusive and supportive, and demonstrate your commitment to acting on these suggestions.

By incorporating these specific techniques to foster inclusivity in your virtual or hybrid team, you can create a more cohesive, collaborative, and innovative work environment. An inclusive team culture encourages team members to bring their full selves to work, leading to increased engagement, creativity, and overall team performance.

Behavior 5: Encourage Active Listening

Active listening is a critical skill for effective communication and collaboration in virtual and hybrid teams. By fostering a culture of active listening, you can ensure that team members feel heard, valued, and understood, leading to stronger relationships and improved team dynamics. Here are some practical strategies to encourage active listening in your virtual or hybrid team:

  1. Model active listening behaviors: As a team leader or manager, demonstrate active listening skills during meetings and conversations by giving your full attention, avoiding distractions, and asking clarifying questions. This practice sets a positive example for team members to follow.
  2. Offer training on active listening: Provide team members with training sessions or resources on active listening techniques, such as paraphrasing, summarizing, and asking open-ended questions. This knowledge will empower them to become more effective listeners and communicators.
  3. Use video conferencing tools: Encourage the use of video calls for meetings and discussions, as this medium allows for better non-verbal communication, such as eye contact and body language. Seeing each other's facial expressions and gestures can help team members stay more engaged and focused on the conversation.
  4. Establish meeting guidelines: Set clear guidelines for meetings that promote active listening, such as asking team members to mute their microphones when not speaking, avoid multitasking, and wait for their turn to speak. These guidelines can help minimize distractions and create a more conducive environment for active listening.
  5. Encourage the use of the "talking stick" method: Implement the "talking stick" method during meetings, where only the person holding the virtual "talking stick" has the floor to speak. This technique ensures that everyone has an opportunity to share their thoughts without interruptions and promotes active listening among team members.
  6. Promote reflection and feedback: After meetings or discussions, encourage team members to reflect on what they've heard and provide feedback to their colleagues. This practice not only reinforces active listening but also creates opportunities for continuous improvement in team communication.
  7. Recognize and reward active listening: Acknowledge team members who demonstrate excellent active listening skills and provide constructive feedback during conversations. By recognizing and rewarding these behaviors, you reinforce their importance and encourage other team members to adopt similar practices.

By implementing these specific techniques to encourage active listening in your virtual or hybrid team, you can enhance communication, foster trust, and improve overall team collaboration. Active listening helps team members feel heard and respected, leading to more open and productive conversations that drive the team's success.

Behavior 6: Demonstrate Empathy

Empathy is a key component of building trust and fostering strong relationships in virtual and hybrid teams. By demonstrating empathy, you show that you understand and care about your team members' feelings, concerns, and perspectives, leading to a more supportive and inclusive work environment. Here are some practical strategies to demonstrate empathy in your virtual or hybrid team:

  1. Practice active listening: As mentioned earlier, active listening is crucial for effective communication. By attentively listening to your team members and seeking to understand their perspective, you demonstrate empathy and create a space for open dialogue.
  2. Show genuine interest: Make an effort to get to know your team members on a personal level, asking about their lives outside of work, hobbies, and interests. This genuine curiosity fosters stronger connections and helps you understand their unique experiences and perspectives.
  3. Offer support and encouragement: When team members share their challenges, offer your support and encouragement, providing guidance or resources when appropriate. By showing that you care about their well-being and success, you create a more empathetic and trusting team culture.
  4. Validate emotions and feelings: Acknowledge and validate team members' emotions and feelings, even if you don't necessarily agree with their perspective. This practice demonstrates empathy and helps team members feel heard and understood.
  5. Encourage vulnerability: Foster an environment where team members feel comfortable sharing their struggles, mistakes, and areas for growth. By embracing vulnerability, you create a more supportive and empathetic team culture.
  6. Be mindful of cultural differences: Understand and respect the cultural backgrounds and experiences of your team members. Be aware of cultural nuances in communication and adjust your approach accordingly to demonstrate empathy and inclusivity.
  7. Use empathetic language: Incorporate empathetic language into your communication by using phrases such as "I understand," "I hear you," or "I can see how you feel." This language conveys empathy and helps team members feel valued and respected.
  8. Schedule regular check-ins: Conduct regular one-on-one check-ins with team members, providing an opportunity to discuss their well-being, challenges, and successes. These conversations help you stay connected and demonstrate empathy by genuinely caring about their personal and professional growth.

By incorporating these specific techniques to demonstrate empathy in your virtual or hybrid team, you can create a more supportive, inclusive, and trusting work environment. Empathy not only helps team members feel valued and respected but also enhances communication and collaboration, contributing to the overall success of your team.

Behavior 7: Celebrate Success and Provide Constructive Feedback

Recognizing achievements and offering constructive feedback are essential elements in building trust and maintaining a high-performing virtual or hybrid team. By celebrating success and helping team members grow through feedback, you foster a positive and supportive work environment that drives productivity and engagement. Here are some practical strategies to celebrate success and provide constructive feedback in your virtual or hybrid team:

  1. Share team accomplishments: Regularly highlight team members' achievements during team meetings or through internal communication channels. By acknowledging individual and collective successes, you boost morale and encourage a culture of continuous improvement.
  2. Create a virtual recognition wall: Establish an online space where team members can share and celebrate each other's accomplishments, such as a dedicated channel on your team's chat platform or an interactive virtual recognition board.
  3. Host virtual celebrations: Organize virtual events to celebrate milestones, project completions, or team anniversaries. These events can include online games, team-building activities, or video conferences with fun themes that allow team members to connect and celebrate together.
  4. Be specific with praise: When recognizing a team member's achievement, be specific about their accomplishment and its impact on the team or project. This specificity demonstrates that you genuinely value their contribution and understand the effort they put forth.
  5. Provide timely feedback: Offer feedback as soon as possible after observing a team member's performance, ensuring that it remains relevant and actionable. Timely feedback helps team members understand how they can improve and allows them to make adjustments quickly.
  6. Focus on behaviors, not personalities: When providing constructive feedback, concentrate on the task or behavior that needs improvement, rather than critiquing the individual's personality. This approach helps team members understand that the feedback is intended to help them grow and not as a personal attack.
  7. Use the "sandwich" technique: Deliver constructive feedback by "sandwiching" it between positive feedback. Start by acknowledging the team member's strengths or achievements, then address the area that needs improvement, and finally, end with a positive note or encouragement for future growth.
  8. Encourage peer feedback: Foster a culture of continuous improvement by promoting peer feedback among team members. Encourage them to share their observations, insights, and suggestions with one another, creating a supportive environment where everyone is invested in each other's growth.

By implementing these specific techniques to celebrate success and provide constructive feedback in your virtual or hybrid team, you can create a positive and supportive work environment that fosters trust, collaboration, and continuous improvement. Recognizing achievements and offering constructive feedback not only help team members grow but also contribute to the overall success and well-being of your team.


In conclusion, building trust in virtual and hybrid teams is essential for fostering effective collaboration, enhancing productivity, and driving team success. By implementing the strategies discussed in this blog post, including fostering consistent communication, emphasizing accountability, promoting transparency, encouraging inclusivity, practicing active listening, demonstrating empathy, and celebrating success while providing constructive feedback, you can create a strong foundation of trust and support within your team.

Consider TeamDynamics as the foundation for team building, allowing you to quantify and improve how your team communicates and collaborates to get work done.

As remote and hybrid work models continue to evolve, it's crucial to invest in the development and maintenance of trust among team members. By cultivating a culture of trust and open communication, you'll enable your team to thrive, irrespective of the physical distance between them. Embrace these trust-building behaviors and witness the transformative impact they have on your team's overall performance, engagement, and satisfaction.

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