Use Cases

Build an Effective Team

TeamDynamics gives you the tools to take your team’s performance to the next level with a unique assessment of your team’s behaviors and tailored recommendations for each team member.

Here are just a few ways that high performance teams turn these insights into impact.

Defining culture and values

Define team culture and values

Company culture and values are important aspirations for how we behave every day: “Be bold,” “Put the customer-first,” “Move fast,” “Think like an owner,” and so on. Translating these aspirations into the impact means embedding them into day-to-day actions of the team.

TeamDynamics helps you map the core behaviors of your team, setting the foundation for you to then layer on your company culture and values, creating a robust way of operating as a team.

Set actionable team norms

Setting team norms

Whether you’re forming a new team or taking leadership of an existing one, defining team norms is on your to-do list. The most effective team norms are clearly defined, consistently understood, and measurable over time. TeamDynamics makes this easy: covering all aspects of how teams work together, your TeamDynamics report provides concrete, data-driven insights into your team’s current behaviors, as well as a powerful framework and language for discussing them.

Love everything that you see? Translate your TeamDynamics directly into your team’s norms, and re-run your TeamDynamics in 180 days to see how well the team is holding to them. Want to make a few changes here and there? Set those team norms as a group, and re-run your TeamDynamics in 60 days to track your progress.

📥 Need help setting actionable team norms? Download a FREE Team Norms Worksheet →
Conducting high-impact offsites

Conduct high-impact team offsites

Every team should leave every offsite better than before: communicating more naturally, problem solving more effectively, making better decisions, and executing more efficiently. How often do traditional team building exercises lead to any of that?

With TeamDynamics, you can forget about trust falls and escape rooms. Sign your team up for TeamDynamics, set aside a portion of the offsite to discuss the results with the included facilitation guide, and in as little as 45 minutes you’ll have developed a shared language for your team’s behaviors, discussed concrete actions your team can take to grow and develop, and walked away with a better understanding of how each individual syncs with the team. This means your team can perform that much better starting the very next day.

📥 Planning your team's next offsite? Download FREE Team Offsite Agenda Templates →

Coach your team members

Coaching team members

Grooming the next team leader, or just helping them reach their full potential?

Individualized CoDynamics results provide a fact-based blueprint for how each member of your team can level up their performance, help others on the team, and improve their day-to-day experience, making it a snap for you to be the best coach you can be.

📥 Looking to create a coaching plan for your team members? Download FREE Templates for Coaching Team Members →
Turbocharging cross-team collaboration

Turbocharge cross-team collaboration

Your team looks to you to set them up for success when working with other parts of the organization.

TeamDynamics provides a roadmap of how your team gets things done, which you can use when setting up cross-team and cross-functional projects. Even better, encourage other teams to get their TeamDynamics, as well — and then facilitate a discussion during the project kickoff to improve inter-team communication and collaboration.

📥 Kicking off a cross-functional project? Download a FREE Project Kickoff Team Meeting Agenda Template →

Resolve team conflicts

Resolving conflicts among team members

Is someone on the team having a hard time collaborating with the rest of the group? Are two team members struggling to work together?

Use your TeamDynamics report to get to the root causes of workplace conflicts in a way that is objective, impartial, and positive. And then use your TeamDynamics recommendations to create an action plan towards resolution, getting your team back on track.

📥 Trying to resolve an issue on your team? Download FREE Team Conflict Resolution Worksheet Templates →
Refining your recruiting pitch and employee value proposition

Hone your recruiting pitch

We’ve all been asked the question from a potential recruit: “What’s it like to work here?”

With TeamDynamics, your entire team is equipped with the insights and language to answer these questions confidently, consistently, and correctly. This allows you to emphasize to recruits how your team works and what makes it special, helping you attract and retain top talent.

Refine your interview process

Refining your interview process

Assessing culture and team fit is now a standard part of many interview processes, but too often the questions that get asked are vague or poorly linked to what really matters when working with the team.

TeamDynamics provides a concrete, systematic depiction of how your team works, making it easy to assess where potential candidates might naturally fit, or feel tension, in working with the team.

Accelerating new hire onboarding

Accelerate new hire onboarding

Integrating a new hire into the team’s culture and ways of working is one of the most important parts of any employee onboarding.

Share your TeamDynamics with any new team member during their first week on the job to give them a guide for working with the rest of the group. Then have the whole team retake their TeamDynamics after 30 days to see if the new team member has changed the team’s ways of working.

📥 Getting ready to welcome a new hire to your team? Download FREE New Hire Pre-Boarding and Onboarding Checklist Templates →

TeamDynamics is a tool for individuals and teams who believe that teamwork should be intentional and rewarding.

We spend just as much time today with our coworkers as we do with our loved ones. We have tools to manage our relationships with partners: love languages, compatibility tests, therapy, and more.

But when it comes to relationships with our professional teams, we're flying blind. It doesn't have to be that way.

TeamDynamics is a team building tool to help the modern team get more done and have more fun while doing it. Quantify your team's behaviors. Describe them with a shared language. Improve your team's performance with tailored recommendations.

Marsha F.
VP, Content Marketing

"Despite working remotely, TeamDynamics keeps our team on the same page. It's an essential tool for distributed teams and digital nomads who need to know how to collaborate without the benefits of sitting side by side every day."

David S.
Software Engineer

"When I switched teams, I felt like I lost my instincts for working with my colleagues: things that were easy to coordinate before seemed to take forever, and I couldn't get my points across. TeamDynamics helped me figure out what I needed to change to get my groove back."

Rachel K.
Business Operations

"Used to use MBTI in consulting. Joined a startup, needed something fresher. Found TeamDynamics. We use it for every new hire. It helps us understand our team. Keeps us grounded. Shows us how to improve."

Discover your team's personality.

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