CliftonStrengths (often called StrengthsFinder) is one of the most common workplace personality tests. But there may be better options for you and your team!
July 23, 2024

Top 5 Alternatives to CliftonStrengths: The Best Workplace Personality Tests For You

CliftonStrengths (often called StrengthsFinder) is one of the most common workplace personality tests. But there may be better options for you and your team!

What are the best alternatives to StrengthsFinder? StrengthsFinder (often also referred to as CliftonStrengths) is a common workplace personality test, but there might be better choices for your team!

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Are you on a quest to understand the unique blend of personalities in your team? If so, you've likely heard of CliftonStrengths, or maybe you've even taken the StrengthsFinder test online. It's a popular tool many teams use to unlock their potential. But what if there's more to the story? What if there are tools that not only pinpoint strengths but also shine a light on how these strengths interact within a team setting?

Enter the world beyond CliftonStrengths. In this blog post, we're diving into the top 5 alternatives to Gallup StrengthsFinder that offer fresh perspectives on team dynamics. Each of these tools brings something unique to the table, helping you understand not just the individual pieces of your team puzzle, but how these pieces fit together to create a bigger picture.

Alternative #1: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

Ever wondered why some team members thrive in brainstorming sessions, while others excel in detailed project planning? The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) might just have the answers you're looking for. This globally recognized personality tool categorizes individuals into 16 distinct personality types based on four key dichotomies: Introversion/Extraversion, Sensing/Intuition, Thinking/Feeling, and Judging/Perceiving.

Understanding Team Roles with MBTI

‍MBTI is like a lens that brings the diverse personalities in your team into focus. It helps explain why certain team members are natural innovators (hello, Intuitives!) or why some are the go-to people for maintaining harmony (shoutout to the Feelers!). By understanding these types, you can better assign roles, anticipate conflicts, and leverage strengths in a team setting.

Why MBTI as an Alternative to CliftonStrengths?

‍While CliftonStrengths excels as a strengths assessment in identifying individual talents, MBTI offers a broader view of personality traits. It goes beyond what your team members are good at and delves into how they perceive the world and make decisions. This insight is crucial in creating a team that's not just talented but also cohesive and balanced.

MBTI in Action

‍Picture this: You're assembling a project team. With MBTI insights, you know to pair that detail-oriented ISTJ with an ENFP, whose out-of-the-box thinking can spark creative solutions. It's about creating a team where differences aren't just acknowledged but celebrated and utilized.

While CliftonStrengths tells you about the 'what' of your team members' talents, MBTI opens up the 'how' and 'why' of their interactions and approaches. It's a powerful tool for understanding and harnessing the unique dynamics of your team. And as we delve deeper into alternatives, keep an eye out for TeamDynamics, a tool that takes these insights to the next level, especially in tech and consulting environments. Stay tuned!


Alternative #2: DISC Assessment

Welcome to the DISC Assessment, where understanding your team's behavior becomes as straightforward as ABCD. DISC, standing for Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness, is a behavior assessment tool that's all about how people act, especially in team settings. It's like having a roadmap to navigate the diverse behavioral landscapes in your workplace.

Behavioral Insights with DISC

‍Imagine being able to predict how your team will react under pressure, or who will take the lead in a crisis. DISC makes this possible. It categorizes team members based on their behavior, which is vital in planning projects, communication strategies, and conflict resolution. For instance, 'D' individuals are your go-getters, often taking charge, while 'S' types are your reliable rocks, ensuring stability and calmness.

DISC vs. CliftonStrengths

‍While CliftonStrengths identifies individual talents, DISC focuses on behavioral styles. It's not just about what your team is good at; it's about how they naturally behave and interact. This difference is crucial for managers and team leads who need to understand team dynamics at a granular level to guide their teams effectively.

Practical Application of DISC

Let's say you're leading a team with a tight deadline. A 'C' type's attention to detail and an 'I' type's optimistic influence can be the perfect combination to drive the project forward while maintaining quality. Knowing these behavioral patterns helps in assembling teams that are not just skilled but also behaviorally compatible.

DISC offers a behavioral lens to view your team through. It's a key player in the realm of team analysis tools, providing insights that complement and go beyond what CliftonStrengths offers. And as we continue to explore alternatives, keep an eye out for how TeamDynamics, our team-focused personality tool, leverages these insights to create high-functioning teams in tech and consulting sectors. Stay tuned for more!

Alternative #3: The Big Five Personality Traits (Five Factor Model)

Now, let's dive into the Big Five Personality Traits, also known as the Five Factor Model. It's like the Swiss Army knife of personality assessments - versatile, reliable, and comprehensive. This model breaks down personality into five fundamental traits: Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism (often remembered by the acronym OCEAN).

Broad-Spectrum Insights with the Big Five

‍Think of the Big Five as a high-definition map of human personality. It doesn't just skim the surface; it delves deep. This model helps you understand not just how team members act, but why they act that way. For example, someone high in Openness might be your go-to person for innovative ideas, while a team member with high Conscientiousness could be the one who keeps projects on track.

Big Five vs. CliftonStrengths

‍CliftonStrengths is fantastic for pinpointing specific talents, but the Big Five offers a wider lens on personality. It's about understanding the core traits that drive behavior in various situations. This broader perspective is invaluable for managers seeking to build well-rounded teams and foster an environment where everyone's natural tendencies are acknowledged and utilized.

Applying the Big Five in Teams

‍Imagine planning a new initiative. You'll want team members who score high in Extraversion to champion the project and those high in Agreeableness to ensure team harmony. The Big Five doesn't just help in assigning roles; it helps in creating a team culture where everyone's natural traits are not just respected but harnessed for collective success.

The Big Five Personality Traits offer a comprehensive and nuanced view of individual personalities, making it a robust tool for understanding and optimizing team dynamics. And as we explore more alternatives, remember that TeamDynamics is on the horizon, with its unique approach to harnessing these insights specifically for tech and consulting teams. Stay tuned for more innovative tools in the world of team personality assessments!

Alternative #4: Hogan Assessments

Welcome to the realm of Hogan Assessments, where the focus shifts from just understanding personalities to predicting performance and leadership potential. It's like having a crystal ball for your team's future success. Hogan's suite of assessments is designed to uncover the underlying aspects of personality that can impact workplace dynamics, leadership, and career success.

Hogan's Workplace-Centric Approach

‍Think of Hogan as the detective of the personality assessment world. It looks beyond the surface traits and digs into the nitty-gritty of what makes your team members tick in a professional environment. For instance, Hogan's assessments can reveal how a person is likely to behave under stress or in leadership positions, offering invaluable insights for team development and succession planning.

Why Hogan Over CliftonStrengths?

‍While CliftonStrengths excels in identifying what your team members are naturally good at, Hogan goes a step further. It predicts how these strengths will play out in real-world workplace scenarios. This forward-looking approach is crucial for leaders and HR professionals who want to not only understand their current team dynamics but also plan for future leadership and team development.

Practical Use of Hogan in Teams

‍Imagine you're gearing up for a big project. With Hogan, you can identify who among your team might excel in high-pressure situations or who could be the unifying force during challenging times. It's about strategically leveraging personality insights for optimal team performance and avoiding potential pitfalls.

Hogan Assessments provide a dynamic and predictive view of personality in the context of the workplace. It's a tool that complements CliftonStrengths by adding depth to our understanding of how personalities impact team performance and leadership potential. And as we move closer to introducing TeamDynamics, you'll see how these concepts are vital in creating cohesive and successful teams, especially in dynamic fields like tech and consulting. Stay tuned for our final section!

Alternative #5: TeamDynamics

Now, let's talk about TeamDynamics, the personality test for modern teams. Unlike other tools that focus primarily on individual traits, TeamDynamics is crafted specifically with teams in mind, particularly in fast-paced sectors like tech and consulting. Think about it as a personality test for team building. It's designed to foster understanding and collaboration in professional environments.

A Deep Dive into TeamDynamics

TeamDynamics isn't just another personality test. It's a revolutionary approach that combines the best aspects of traditional personality assessments with a unique focus on team synergy. By evaluating how individual personalities mesh together, TeamDynamics provides actionable insights that are key to building high-functioning and harmonious teams.

TeamDynamics vs. CliftonStrengths

‍While CliftonStrengths does a great job at identifying individual strengths, TeamDynamics looks at the whole team to understand how the group communicates and collaborates to get work done. It's not just about knowing who is good at what; it's about understanding the unique behavioral traits of the group as a whole to enhance team performance and collaboration.

The Special Sauce of TeamDynamics

‍What sets TeamDynamics apart is its emphasis on real-world applicability. It offers a practical toolkit for team leaders to identify areas where the team as a whole can improve. This is crucial in environments where teamwork and collaboration are key to success (which is just about every modern team setting).

Real-World Impact of TeamDynamics

‍Imagine you're leading a tech product team. With TeamDynamics, you can identify the norms and practices that your team applies and improve accordingly. It's about creating a team that's not just talented but also perfectly in sync.

TeamDynamics stands out as a cutting-edge tool tailored for modern teams, offering insights that go beyond traditional personality assessments. It's designed to not just understand but to optimize team dynamics, making it an essential tool for any leader or HR professional looking to build a successful, cohesive team in today's fast-paced professional world.


As we wrap up our exploration of the top 5 alternatives to CliftonStrengths, it's clear that understanding team dynamics is more than just a one-size-fits-all approach. From the comprehensive lens of the Big Five Personality Traits to the behavioral focus of the DISC Assessment, each tool offers unique insights into the intricate tapestry of team dynamics. And if you want to try before making a decision, look around for a free StrengthsFinder test and give it a shot!

Want to hold a team building workshop using CliftonStrengths? Check out our free downloadable StrengthsFinder team building resources!

But the real game-changer here is TeamDynamics. By blending the best of these methodologies and focusing squarely on how team members interact and complement each other, TeamDynamics stands out as a pivotal resource for anyone looking to elevate their team's performance in the tech and consulting sectors.

Remember, the key to a successful team lies not only in understanding individual strengths but in harnessing these strengths to create a harmonious and effective whole. Whether you're a team leader, a manager, or an HR professional, these tools, especially TeamDynamics, offer valuable perspectives to help you craft a team that's not just skilled, but also synergistic and resilient.

So, take this knowledge, apply these insights, and watch your team transform into a more cohesive, dynamic, and productive entity. After all, the right team dynamics can turn even the most ambitious goals into achievable realities. Explore TeamDynamics and see the difference it can make in unlocking your team's full potential.

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