Self-evaluations are key parts of annual reviews, shaping how your manager views your contributions. ChatGPT can help you write better self-evaluation, faster.
September 20, 2024

Use ChatGPT to Write Your Self-Evaluation and Get a Better Annual Review

Self-evaluations are key parts of annual reviews, shaping how your manager views your contributions. ChatGPT can help you write better self-evaluation, faster.

Your self-evaluation is an important part of your annual review, giving you a chance to shape how your manager views your contributions. ChatGPT can help you write a better self-evaluation, faster. Follow this guide to find out how (including 10 example ChatGPT prompts to help you write your self-evaluation)!


ChatGPT is a powerful productivity tool, helping you get more efficient at everything from how you develop and manage your teams to how you build plans, and even how you promoted. Read on to learn how you can use AI to write your annual self-evaluation during performance reviews, saving yourself hours of work and helping you put the best case forward to get promoted!

Ready to get started on your self-evaluation? We've got you covered with a free downloadable self evaluation template (including examples and suggested ChatGPT prompts)!

In this article:

Imagine sitting down to write your self-evaluation, and the words just flow. No staring at a blank screen, no struggling to brag about your achievements without sounding arrogant, and no fretting over finding the perfect words to express your career aspirations. It's entirely possible with a little help from an AI friend named ChatGPT.

Annual reviews are a big deal. They're your chance to showcase your hard work, outline your contributions, and set the stage for your next career leap. But let's face it: writing about yourself can be tough. You want to get it just right—highlighting your achievements and lessons learned without underplaying your contributions or coming off as too self-congratulatory.

Enter ChatGPT, your secret weapon in the quest for the perfect self-evaluation. Whether you're an ambitious coder on a tech product team, a creative mind in a bustling marketing department, or a sharp consultant solving the next big challenge, ChatGPT can transform this daunting task into a walk in the park.

In this guide, we're diving deep into how you can leverage ChatGPT to craft a self-evaluation that not only reflects your past year's work but also positions you for future success. Get ready to impress your managers and peers alike with a polished, professional self-review that stands out.

The Real Deal About Self-Evaluations

You might be wondering, "Why all the fuss about self-evaluations?" Well, they're more than just paperwork or a box to check off before your annual review. Self-evaluations are your spotlight moment—the stage is yours, and it's your chance to shine. They're about taking a moment to reflect on the wins, the challenges, and the journey of growth you've embarked on over the past year.

Need to write your self evaluation? We've got a template for that! Check out our Annual Self Evaluation Template (it's optimized for ChatGPT)!

But here's the catch: writing a self-evaluation can feel like trying to navigate a tightrope. On one side, there's the risk of selling yourself short, not giving your achievements the recognition they deserve. On the other, there's the danger of coming across as overly self-congratulatory, missing the mark on humility and self-awareness. It's a delicate balance, one that requires thought, introspection, and a bit of finesse.

Why It Matters

For starters, a well-crafted self-evaluation is your chance to influence your career trajectory. It's an opportunity to remind your managers and peers of your contributions and how they align with the team's goals and the company's vision. Think of it as your personal highlight reel, coupled with a roadmap of where you see your journey leading.

Moreover, it's about growth. Reflecting on your challenges and lessons learned is crucial for personal and professional development. It allows you to set a direction for your career, identify areas for improvement, and articulate your aspirations.


The Challenges Ahead

Yet, despite its importance, drafting this document often feels like a daunting task. How do you begin? What should you include? And how can you ensure it truly reflects your contributions and goals?

The good news is, you don't have to tackle this alone. With the right approach and tools, crafting your self-evaluation can become not just manageable, but a rewarding process. And that's exactly where ChatGPT comes into play. But more on that later.

For now, remember this: your self-evaluation is your narrative. It's your story of growth, resilience, and ambition. And with the right mindset and tools, you can tell it in a way that resonates, influences, and inspires.

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Understanding ChatGPT and Its Capabilities

Picture this: an AI so sophisticated it understands not just what you're saying, but the context and nuance behind it. That's ChatGPT. It's like having a wise mentor who's always available, ready to guide you through the maze of self-reflection and self-presentation, making the task of writing your self-evaluation not just easier, but more effective.

What is ChatGPT?

In the simplest terms, ChatGPT is a cutting-edge tool powered by artificial intelligence. It's designed to understand and generate human-like text based on the prompts you give it. But don't let the techy description fool you; it's incredibly user-friendly and intuitive. Whether you're drafting an email, brainstorming ideas, or, in our case, crafting the perfect self-evaluation, ChatGPT is your go-to assistant.

What are the best ChatGPT Alternatives for Writing Self-Evaluations?

ChatGPT isn't the only AI-powered text generation tool. You can also use Gemini (from Google), Copilot (from Microsoft), or Claude (from Anthropic) to write your self-evaluation. While each of these AI generators has its advantages and disadvantages, at the end of the day they all do the same thing: turn your text-based prompts into full-fledged paragraphs of human-sounding content.

The best large language models for writing self-evaluations are OpenAI's ChatGPT, Google's Gemini, Microsoft's Copilot, and Anthropic's Claude.

Why ChatGPT is a Game-Changer for Self-Evaluations

You might be thinking, "How exactly can an AI help me with something as personal as a self-evaluation?" Great question! Here's the scoop:

  • Structure and Clarity: ChatGPT can help organize your thoughts by providing a clear, coherent structure to your self-evaluation. Say goodbye to rambling paragraphs and hello to concise, impactful statements.
  • Language Polishing: Ever struggle to find the right words? ChatGPT can suggest phrasing that’s both professional and engaging, ensuring your self-evaluation reads smoothly.
  • Inspiration and Ideas: Stuck on what to include? ChatGPT can spark ideas by suggesting achievements and improvements, making sure you don't sell yourself short.
  • Customization: This isn’t a one-size-fits-all tool. ChatGPT can tailor suggestions based on your specific accomplishments, challenges, and goals, making your self-evaluation uniquely yours.

Getting Started with ChatGPT

Embracing ChatGPT for your self-evaluation is like unlocking a superpower. You'll need an internet connection and a bit of curiosity. Simply head to a platform that offers ChatGPT, type in your questions or prompts, and watch as it generates responses that feel thoughtfully crafted by a human.

Imagine asking, "How do I highlight my project management skills in my self-evaluation?" and receiving a detailed, articulate suggestion in seconds. That's the kind of efficiency and insight ChatGPT brings to the table.

Laying the Groundwork for Your Self-Evaluation

Before diving into the deep end with ChatGPT, there's some groundwork to be done. Preparing for your self-evaluation is like setting the stage before the big show—it's all about getting your materials and mindset ready for a stellar performance.

Reflecting on Your Year

First things first: take a walk down memory lane. Reflecting on the past year isn't just about tallying up your successes; it's about understanding the journey. Think about the projects you've tackled, the challenges you've navigated, and the lessons you've learned along the way. This isn't about creating a highlight reel; it's about painting a full picture of your professional growth.

Identifying Your Achievements

Now, for the fun part—identifying your achievements. Start by listing out your contributions and the impact they've had. Did you lead a project that exceeded its goals? Or perhaps you mastered a new skill that boosted your team's efficiency? Whatever it is, jot it down. Remember, achievements come in all sizes. Don't overlook the small victories—they add up!

Reflecting on Challenges and Lessons Learned

No journey is without its hurdles. Reflect on the challenges you've faced and how you've overcome them. This part is crucial; it shows resilience, adaptability, and the willingness to grow from experiences. Ask yourself, what did these challenges teach you? How have they shaped you as a professional? This reflection not only adds depth to your self-evaluation but also highlights your problem-solving skills and determination.

Setting Your Goals

Looking ahead is just as important as looking back. Setting goals for the coming year gives you direction and purpose. What do you want to achieve? How do you plan to grow your skills or advance your career? Be specific. Whether it's leading more projects, enhancing your technical skills, or stepping into a leadership role, setting clear goals outlines a path for your continued professional development.

Gathering Feedback

Before you sit down with ChatGPT, there's one more step: gathering feedback. Reach out to colleagues, mentors, and managers. Ask for their input on your performance, strengths, and areas for improvement. This external perspective can provide invaluable insights and help you see your contributions through a different lens.

Crafting Your Self-Evaluation with ChatGPT

With the groundwork laid and your achievements and goals at the ready, it's time to turn those insights into a stellar self-evaluation. ChatGPT is about to become your best ally in this process, helping you to weave your reflections into a narrative that not only highlights your past year's journey but also sets the stage for your future ambitions. Here's your AI-powered annual review writing guide.

Use ChatGPT to create an outline of your self-evaluation.

Step 1: Create an Outline

First up, let's structure your self-evaluation. An outline is your roadmap, ensuring you cover all the essential points without getting lost along the way. Ask ChatGPT to help draft an outline based on your key achievements, challenges, lessons learned, and future goals. This step ensures your self-evaluation has a clear beginning, middle, and end, making your story easy to follow and understand.

Help me create an outline for my self-evaluation focusing on key achievements, challenges faced, lessons learned, and goals for the next year.

Step 2: Expand Your Points

With your outline in hand, it's time to flesh out the details. This is where you dive deep into each section, expanding on your achievements, discussing the challenges you've overcome, the lessons you've learned, and detailing your goals for the future.

Achievements: Use ChatGPT to help articulate the impact of your work. Ask it to generate examples of how to describe your contributions in a way that's both compelling and concise.

List powerful action verbs and phrases that can help me describe my achievements in project management and team collaboration over the past year.

Challenges and Lessons: ChatGPT can also assist in framing your challenges in a positive light, focusing on resilience, growth, and the positive outcomes of these experiences.

How can I write about a significant challenge I faced this year in a way that highlights my problem-solving skills and what I learned from the experience?

Future Goals: ChatGPT is excellent at helping you set SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals. Use it to refine your aspirations into clear, actionable objectives.

Assist me in setting SMART goals for my professional development in the upcoming year, focusing on leadership skills and technical expertise.

Step 3: Refine Your Language

Now that your self-evaluation is taking shape, it's time to polish your language. This step is about ensuring your self-evaluation reads smoothly, is free of jargon, and communicates your points effectively. Ask ChatGPT to suggest revisions for clarity and impact, making your self-evaluation not just informative but engaging.

Can you suggest more engaging and impactful ways to phrase my contribution to increasing our team's efficiency by 20%?

Feedback and Iteration

Before finalizing your self-evaluation, consider running it through ChatGPT one last time. Ask it to simulate feedback or to offer suggestions for improvement. This iterative process ensures your self-evaluation is as strong as it can be, ready to impress your reviewers and set the tone for your next career steps.

I received feedback about needing to improve my time management skills. How can I incorporate this into my self-evaluation positively and constructively?

Beyond the Basics - Leveraging ChatGPT for a Winning Self-Evaluation

Now that your self-evaluation draft shines brightly with achievements, growth, and aspirations, let's not stop there. ChatGPT holds even more potential to elevate your self-evaluation from great to exceptional. Here’s how to tap into its advanced capabilities to ensure your review stands out.

Tailoring Responses for Personalized Flair

Your self-evaluation shouldn't read like anyone else's. It's your unique story. ChatGPT can help tailor your evaluation to reflect your personal voice and style. Try feeding it bits of your usual writing or examples of how you’d like to sound. Watch as it adapts, offering suggestions that mirror your tone and personality, making your self-evaluation authentically you.

What are some effective strategies for quantifying my accomplishments, such as revenue growth or customer satisfaction improvement, in my self-evaluation?

Using ChatGPT for Insightful Reflections

Reflection is at the heart of any meaningful self-evaluation. ChatGPT can prompt you to think deeper about your experiences. Ask it questions like, "What could have gone better in Project X?" or "How have I grown from my challenges?" Its responses can guide you to introspect more profoundly, ensuring your evaluation captures not just what you did, but how you've evolved.

Help me identify and articulate my top three strengths and how they contributed to my team’s success, along with one area for improvement.

Simulating Feedback for Continuous Improvement

One of ChatGPT's most powerful features is its ability to offer diverse perspectives. Use it to simulate feedback on your self-evaluation. By asking, "How could this be improved?" or "What’s missing from this reflection?" you engage in a virtual dialogue that can unveil new insights and areas for enhancement, ensuring your evaluation is comprehensive and well-rounded.

Crafting SMART Goals with AI Precision

Setting clear, achievable goals is crucial for your professional development. ChatGPT can assist in refining your aspirations into SMART goals that are precise and aligned with your career path. This clarity not only helps your managers understand your ambitions but also sets a clear benchmark for your next review.

Final Touches: Ensuring Your Self-Evaluation is Ready to Go

Before sending your self-evaluation off into the world, give it one last review with ChatGPT by your side. Use it to check for any overlooked details, consistency in tone, and overall impact. This final polish ensures your self-evaluation not only meets but exceeds expectations, and helps you use ChatGPT for career advancement.

Sealing the Deal - Finalizing Your Self-Evaluation

You've navigated the reflection, drafting, and refining stages with ChatGPT's assistance, transforming your professional journey over the past year into a compelling narrative. Now, it's time to cross the finish line and master your self-evaluation with a review that's not just complete but polished to perfection.

Proofreading: The Devil's in the Details

Even the most meticulous writers can miss a typo or two. That's where ChatGPT can lend an extra pair of eyes. Ask it to help proofread your evaluation for grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors. This step is about more than just correcting mistakes; it's about ensuring your self-evaluation is as professional and polished as your accomplishments deserve.

Soliciting Feedback: A Different Perspective

Before you hit "send" on your self-evaluation, consider getting feedback from someone you trust. This could be a mentor, a colleague, or even ChatGPT itself. Fresh eyes can offer new perspectives, catch overlooked errors, and provide insights that can enhance the impact of your evaluation. Embrace this feedback as a final layer of refinement, ensuring your self-evaluation is robust, reflective, and ready for review.

Draft a message requesting constructive feedback from my colleagues on my performance, emphasizing my desire for honest insights to include in my self-evaluation.

Embracing the Process: Growth Beyond the Evaluation

Remember, your self-evaluation is more than a document; it's a testament to your professional growth and aspirations. By leveraging ChatGPT, you've not only crafted a compelling self-evaluation but also engaged in a process of self-discovery and goal-setting that will serve you well beyond the annual review cycle. Here's a prompt to power your professional growth with AI.

Guide me in reflecting on my professional growth this year, particularly in adapting to remote work, and how it has prepared me for future challenges.

Looking Ahead: The Journey Continues

As you submit your self-evaluation, take a moment to appreciate the effort and introspection that went into it. This process has not only prepared you for your annual review but also set the stage for the year ahead. With clear goals, a deeper understanding of your achievements and challenges, and a vision for your future, you're ready to tackle whatever comes next with confidence and clarity.

Your Next Steps

The completion of your self-evaluation is just the beginning. Use the insights gained through this process to guide your professional development continuously. Keep ChatGPT as your ongoing ally in reflecting on your progress, adjusting your goals, and navigating the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

Other Ways to Use ChatGPT At Work

ChatGPT can be useful for doing more than just writing your self-evaluation during annual reviews. Check out some of our other how-to guides for using ChatGPT to get ahead at work:

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