Interview rubrics are the key to unbiased recruiting. Improve your hiring decisions with this template interview scorecard.
April 17, 2024

Use This Example Interview Evaluation Rubric in Your Next Recruiting Process

Interview rubrics are the key to unbiased recruiting. Improve your hiring decisions with this template interview scorecard.

Interview rubrics are the key to unbiased recruiting. Use this template when you evaluate your next set of job candidates to improve your hiring decisions.


In this article:

Having a structured interview rubric is crucial when evaluating potential hires. Rubrics ensure consistency in the hiring process, making it fair for all candidates. They help to identify the most qualified candidates by focusing on the skills and experience needed for the position. Properly constructed interview scorecards allow for objective evaluation of candidates, reducing the impact of personal biases and subjectivity. They provide a clear and organized framework for the interview process, making it easier for interviewers to conduct effective interviews. And templates for interview evaluation facilitate better decision-making by providing a systematic way to compare and contrast candidates' qualifications and strengths.

But what dimensions should you evaluate? How should you score a candidate? And do you have time to create an interview rubric? Try this simple structure when you and your team evaluates your next potential hire.

Job interview rubric template

Feedback and comments should be provided for each category to help guide the hiring decision and provide valuable feedback to candidates.

Category 1: Job Knowledge and Skills

Score the candidate on a scale of 1-5, with 1 being unsatisfactory and 5 being outstanding, for each of the following:

  • Demonstrates a strong understanding of the job requirements and necessary skills.
  • Provides detailed and relevant examples of previous work experience and achievements.
  • Clearly articulates how their skills and experience align with the position.

Category 2: Communication Skills

Score the candidate on a scale of 1-5, with 1 being unsatisfactory and 5 being outstanding, for each of the following:

  • Communicates clearly, professionally, and effectively.
  • Listens actively and asks thoughtful questions.
  • Demonstrates strong interpersonal skills and the ability to build relationships.


Category 3: Adaptability and Problem Solving

Score the candidate on a scale of 1-5, with 1 being unsatisfactory and 5 being outstanding, for each of the following:

  • Demonstrates flexibility and the ability to adapt to new situations and challenges.
  • Thinks critically and creatively to solve problems and overcome obstacles.
  • Demonstrates a willingness to learn and grow professionally.

Category 4: Team culture fit

Score the candidate on a scale of 1-5, with 1 being doesn't match with the team and 5 being perfectly matches with the team, for each of the following:

  • Communication
  • Information processing
  • Decision-making
  • Implementation
A great way to define how your team behaves is with a team personality test like TeamDynamics, which provides a quantitative baseline for how your team communicates and collaborates to get work done (its team dynamics).

Category 5: Professionalism and Ethics

Score the candidate on a scale of 1-5, with 1 being unsatisfactory and 5 being outstanding, for each of the following:

  • Demonstrates integrity and ethical behavior in all interactions.
  • Maintains a professional demeanor and attitude.
  • Represents the organization positively in all settings.

With each interviewer having followed this approach, you'll be well equipped to come to a decision on whether or not this candidate is right for the job!

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