Ever wondered why some teams just click while others seem to struggle with even the simplest tasks? The key to a high-performing team might be hidden in the unique personalities of its members. Understanding personality types isn't just psychological mumbo-jumbo; it's a vital part of effective teamwork. In this blog post, we'll dive deep into the Big Five (OCEAN) Personality Test, a science-backed tool that can help you understand not only yourself but also your teammates. Plus, we have a downloadable resource to help you find your Big Five personality type and discuss it with your team.

What Is The Big Five (OCEAN) Personality Test?

The Big Five Personality Test is a popular psychological framework used to assess personality traits. The Big Five started showing up in psychological studies in the 1950s. But it got its big break in the late '80s and '90s. Psychologists like Lewis Goldberg and Robert McCrae played a big role in pushing it to the front of the personality science scene.

Wondering what the best Big Five alternatives are? Check out our round-up of the top 5 Big Five alternatives.

The Stats Behind It

One of the coolest things about the Big Five is how it was made. Researchers used a method called "factor analysis." Imagine throwing a bunch of personality traits into a blender. Factor analysis is like the chef that sorts them into five main flavors—your OCEAN traits:

  1. Openness: How adventurous and open to new experiences you are.
  2. Conscientiousness: How organized and dependable you are.
  3. Extraversion: Your level of outgoingness and social interaction.
  4. Agreeableness: How well you get along with others.
  5. Neuroticism: Your emotional stability and general mood.


Here's a hot take: You could be from any part of the world, and the Big Five still works. Multiple studies have shown it's a universal framework for personality. So it's not just some Western thing; it's global.

Stability Over Time

Guess what? Your Big Five traits are usually stable throughout adult life. Sure, they might shift a bit due to life events or experiences, but generally, they stay the same. That's why psychologists love it; it's a reliable way to understand personality.

Real-World Use

The Big Five isn't just for head-shrinking psychologists. Understanding these traits can help you work better in a team, improve your leadership skills, and navigate challenges more easily. Companies use it for employee assessments, and some dating sites even use it to find your perfect match. Why? Because it's a reliable way to predict behavior and compatibility.


Why Is It Important for Teams?

Better Communication

Knowing your team's personality traits can break down communication barriers. For instance, an extravert might feel comfortable brainstorming in a group, while an introvert might prefer to share ideas via email.

Efficient Task Allocation

People high in conscientiousness are good at details and planning. Knowing this can help you assign roles more effectively.

Conflict Resolution

Understanding personality types can help resolve conflicts before they escalate. A person high in agreeableness might be an excellent mediator.

5 Situations Where You Might Want to Use the Big Five with Your Team

Understanding your team’s personality traits can be a game-changer in many professional scenarios. Here are five situations where using the Big Five personality assessment can help you navigate challenges and improve team dynamics:

1. Building a New Team:

When forming a new team, understanding each member’s personality traits can help you assign roles that align with their strengths. For example, someone high in openness might excel in a creative role, while a team member with high conscientiousness could be perfect for detail-oriented tasks.

2. Resolving Conflict:

Personality clashes can lead to conflicts within teams. By using the Big Five assessment, you can identify the root causes of these conflicts. Understanding whether the friction is due to differences in agreeableness or neuroticism, for example, can help you mediate more effectively and find resolutions that acknowledge each person’s traits.

3. Improving Communication:

Different personality traits influence how people communicate. If your team struggles with miscommunication, the Big Five can reveal whether issues stem from differences in extraversion or agreeableness. With this insight, you can tailor your communication strategies to better suit the team’s diverse personalities.

4. Enhancing Collaboration:

When working on a collaborative project, knowing each team member’s personality can help you pair people who complement each other. For example, someone high in openness might generate innovative ideas, while a person high in conscientiousness can help bring those ideas to life with careful planning and execution.

5. Navigating Change:

Teams often face change, whether it’s a new project, leadership, or organizational shift. The Big Five can help you anticipate how your team might react. Those high in neuroticism may need more support during transitions, while those high in openness might thrive in a changing environment. Understanding these dynamics allows you to lead your team through change more effectively.Using the Big Five personality test in these situations can provide valuable insights, helping you to tailor your approach to meet the unique needs of your team.

How to Use the Big Five Personality Test with Your Team

Step 1: Everyone Takes the Test

First thing's first. Everyone needs to take the Big Five Personality Test. Once you've got the scores, share them with the team. Don't worry, there's no good or bad score; it's just about understanding who you are. User our downloadable resource.

Step 2: Set the Scene

Have a meeting just for this. Maybe even grab some snacks. Make sure it's a safe space where everyone feels okay about sharing.

Step 3: Break Down the Traits

Go through each Big Five trait one by one. Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism. Talk about what these traits mean in simple terms, so there's no confusion.

Step 4: Share and Compare

Each team member talks about their scores. But don't just say the numbers; explain what you think it means for you in your role on the team. For example, if you scored high on Extraversion, you might say you're great at networking but might get bored when working alone. Use the discussion guide in the downloadable resource to prompt the discussion.

Step 5: Brainstorm Ideas

Here's the fun part! Use the discussion to brainstorm ways to work better as a team. Maybe the high-Conscientiousness folks can help keep projects on track. Or maybe the high-Openness people can be in charge of coming up with new ideas.

Step 6: Handle Conflict

Let's say two people are low in Agreeableness. Now that they know this, they can be more careful when interacting with each other. It can also help identify why past conflicts may have occurred and how to avoid them in the future.

Step 7: Make a Game Plan

Wrap up by making a solid plan. Assign new roles or tasks based on what you've learned. Decide how you'll handle conflicts or challenges in the future.

Step 8: Keep the Conversation Going

This isn't a one-time thing. Check in with your team regularly to see how things are going. Adjust your game plan as needed.

Real-life Examples

Tech Product Teams

In a tech product team, members high in openness could be great for R&D roles as they love exploring new technologies.

Consulting Teams

In consulting, a high score in conscientiousness would be ideal for a project manager who needs to keep track of multiple timelines and deliverables.

Sales Teams

Extraverts often excel in sales roles where interaction with clients is a daily routine.


Unlocking your team's full potential is now easier than ever with the Big Five Personality Test. Take the test, share the results, and start making effective changes to how your team functions. Download our free resource now to get started!

Download Our Free Resource

Ready to dive in? Download our free Big Five Personality Test resource and kickstart a more cohesive, efficient, and happier team today.


Is the Big Five Personality Test Reliable?

Yes, the Big Five is based on extensive research and is widely respected in psychology.

Can Personality Traits Change Over Time?

Personality traits are generally stable but can change due to significant life events, experiences, or deliberate effort.

Where Can I Take the Big Five Personality Test?

You can download our free resource to take the test and discuss it with your team.